• Isn't it time to breakthrough to SUCCESSFUL leadership? Isn't it time to breakthrough to SUCCESSFUL leadership?
  • Does your team create OUTSTANDING results? Does your team create OUTSTANDING results?
  • Is your FOCUS clear? Is your FOCUS clear?
  • Do your STRATEGIES support success? Do your STRATEGIES support success?
  • Can you keep your BALANCE in turbulent times? Can you keep your BALANCE in turbulent times?


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The Spirit of Leadership

"Working with the horses and with the entire management was real fun and we took much use out of it for our business relation.
You can learn so much from the horses which will help you in your regular life! Corina and Ralf are a very inspiring couple and
I would do the training anytime again!"

Matthias Voss, Director Engine Production, MTU Maintenance Canada Ltd.


Why horses?
You might be thinking, what do horses have to do with leadership?

Actually, horses are great teachers for leaders! They have the ability to read our emotions & unconscious body language and respond to confidence, emotional congruence and effective leadership behaviour instinctively.

Leadership was not invented by humans! It is an ancient way in which social animals communicate together and coordinate their collective living and their survival.
The survival of the herd is dependent on the effectiveness of its leader!

The lead horse cannot control their followers. It needs to earn the herd's trust and respect every single day and has to demonstrate knowledge, clear focus, emotional intelligence and authenticity in order to keep the position.

If you as human want to inspire a horse to follow you, you must prove to be a trustworthy leader!

Authentic Leadership
In today's life leadership is not established by position, job title or intelligence, but, more importantly, it is about the
SELF that you are and the way others see you, as well as a combination of competency, character, attitude towards possibility & creativity and the ability to listen to "unspoken things" - away from the EGO-based attitude towardsCONNECTION in relation to others.
Leadership is a commitment based on timeless principles like integrity, trust, reliability & vision. Authenticity is a fundamental basis that serves all of the above.

Learning new skills and new ways of thinking and being present to uncertainty & conflict are critical basics to master in order to be able to perform successfully as a leader in the 21st century.



"Learning with horses is experiential, self-reliable learning which brings results instantly and has incredible long-term effects for professional mastery and leadership savvy."


-Ralf Holzapfel